# Install Here are several more ways to install `warp4j`. ## Manual First install [warp-packer](https://github.com/dgiagio/warp/releases) and ensure other common tools available: `awk`, `curl`, `file`, `grep`, `sed`, `sort`, `tar`, `unzip`, optional: `zip`. Then install `warp4j` like this: ``` $ LOCATION=/usr/local/bin \ LINK=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/guziks/warp4j/master/warp4j \ TEMP_LOCATION=/tmp/warp4j \ bash -c 'curl -fsSL -o $TEMP_LOCATION $LINK && \ sudo install -D \ --mode=755 \ --owner=root \ --group=root \ "$TEMP_LOCATION" "$LOCATION"' ``` Previous command can be also used to upgrade to the latest version. ## Docker ``` $ docker run --rm -it \ -e "WARP4J_CACHE=/cache" \ --volume :/cache \ --volume :/workdir \ --user $(id -u):$(id -g) \ guziks/warp4j ``` Change according to your requirements, but volume with working directory is mandatory. ## Moor To simplify the command above make a launcher with [moor](https://github.com/guziks/moor): ``` $ moor guziks/warp4j warp4j ``` Then use as an ordinary command.